
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Drama on the banks of the Bitterroot River

If you haven't been following the story of Harriet and Ozzy over the last few years, you've been missing out.  For the past few years, I've been linking to the Hellgate Osprey Cam on the banks of the Clark Fork in Missoula.  This year, due to an unfolding story, we'll check out on an osprey nest a couple of miles to the south in Lolo on the banks of the Bitterroot River.

The background of this story goes like this:  Ozzy and Harriet were the bonded couple that have utilized this nest on the Dunrovin Ranch for years. Ozzy was killed (of natural causes) in 2014, stuffed, and put in a museum in Helena. People wondered what would come of Harriet and if she would ever find a new mate.  Harriet had a couple of suitors and then settled on Hal (supposedly short for Hallelujah) and their first attempt at reproduction was a flop. As osprey do each fall, they took off to the south for the winter.

Harriet usually returns around this time of year.  Will Hal come back with her?  Will they succeed in making a baby osprey this year?

Plot twist: On Sunday a great horned owl was filmed in the nest.  What will happen when Harriet comes back and finds this great big owl in her nest?

You'll have to watch to find out!  I can't believe that it's already time for the osprey to coma back. Winter flew by this year!

Check out the Dunrovin ranch website to chat about the unfolding event.
Check out this Missoulian article for more detailed information.

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